  1.  35
    Aeneas Tacticvs and Stichometry.L. W. Hunter - 1913 - Classical Quarterly 7 (04):256-.
    These notes are the result of some work done a year or two ago on the Medicean MS. of Aeneas Tacticus1 in preparation for an edition of that unduly neglected author which I hope will soon see the light. I should not have thought it worth while to publish them separately were it not for two papers, at once laborious and brilliant, read by Mr. A. C. Clark to the Oxford Philological Society on the text of Cicero′s speeches, in May, (...)
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  2.  39
    Quaestiones Aeneanae Quaestiones Aeneanae. Pars I. scripsit Herbert Fischer, Dr. Phil. Pp. 67. Dresdae: ex officina Teubneriana, MCMXIV. [REVIEW]L. W. Hunter - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (05):169-170.
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